Fall Friends
The leaves twirled down from the trees, spinning in loops before landing softly on the ground. Rocco the raccoon looked up to the sky.
High in the sky, a goose honked. “Look!” Rocco said as a flock of geese zoomed across the sky in a perfect V.
"They are migrating to a hotter place," said Rocco's mother.
Down on the ground, the raccoon’s little feet scratched at the leaves. “What about us? Do we migrate too?” he asked. The mother raccoon chuckled softly.
“No, little one. We will find a cozy den for the winter, sleeping a lot. Sometimes we will wake up to grab a snack when it’s not too cold," said Rocco's mother.
Rocco grabbed a handful of seeds. “Well, I’d rather stay here and take naps all winter,” he said with a little chuckle.
A bird hooted from the rooftop, blinking its big eyes. “Hoo hoo,” it called as it watched the raccoons. “You’d better gather food before the snow falls,” the bird said.
Cool wind whispered through the forest, reminding the animals that fall was here. Winter was coming. The young raccoon looked around as the forest animals all prepared for the colder days.
Squirrels scampered up trees, tucking away nuts. “Fall is so busy,” the little raccoon said, smiling. Soon Rocco would be tucked away, safe and warm, waiting for the cold to pass.