The Muddy Swamp
7 months ago - UFLI | 9. Other Vowel Teams | ea /ĕ/, a /ŏ/ - 93.18% decodable
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Jamal woke up early for breakfast.
He spread honey on his bread.
Then, he went to the yard to play with his ball.
Then, his ball rolled into the mud! He jumped into the swamp to grab it.
All of a sudden, he felt heavy. He was stuck in the mud.
His father saw and rushed to help.
His father threw a rope. Jamal grabbed it.
His father pulled hard. Jamal was free from the swamp.
Then, his father washed him clean in the pond.
Feeling ready, Jamal went back to his ball.
He played until the sun began to set.
Then, he went home for a warm dinner.
After dinner, he sat to read a book he loved.
Finally, he went to bed, ready for another day.