Going Fishing
Ling was resting in her cave.
She was thinking about spending the day by the pond and going fishing.
She had been longing to go fishing. But she did not have a fishing pole.
"I will make a fishing pole!" said Ling. She chose a long stick and some string.
Then, she tied the string to the stick. She put a bug on the end of the string.
She was all set and started walking to the pond.
At the pond, she was so happy. She started dancing and singing.
She was having fun. But, she was not catching any fish.
She saw a duckling who was swimming. Ling asked him for help.
The duckling showed her how to fish. He told her that fish like when it is quiet.
Then there was a zip! Ling's pole began banging. She saw a fish splashing. Then it happened. She started catching a fish!
She grabbed the pole and began pulling the fish in. Ling thanked the duckling for his help. Then, she let the fish go and walked back to her cave.
Back in her cave, she was eating lunch, resting, and thinking about her day.
She was glad she went fishing. She liked spending time with the duckling. So, Ling made plans to go fishing with him again.
Ling spent the rest of the evening singing and telling her pals about her day.