Lime Spice Cake

Ike likes to bake. One day, Ike says, ''I will bake a rice cake for my pal, Chance.''

Chance is a prince with a kind face.

Ike puts on his lace apron at a fast pace.

First, Ike adds rice to the mix. Then, he puts in lime and spice... twice!

Ike takes a glance at the trash. He sees mice. ''Shoo!" he says to the mice. "This is not your place!"

The mice race away. Ike smiles and goes back to bake his cake. The cake needs to bake in a space that is hot.

Soon, the cake is done. Ike takes it out with care. ''Ah, what a nice cake! Chance will dance with joy,'' Ike thinks.

He puts the cake on a plate with lace. It is a nice sight. Ike takes the cake to Chance at a slow pace.

Chance sees the cake. His face lights up. ''For me?'' he asks. Ike nods. Chance takes a slice.

''This is nice! You bake with such grace, Ike!'' Chance says. They eat the cake, slice by slice.