Bianca's Tundra University: A Reindeer's Dream
Once in the vast universe, a reindeer named Bianca lived in a tundra.
Bianca had a dream to attend a university to learn about the universe.
Every day, Bianca put on her uniform and studied under the sky.
Her friend, the bison, joined her in unison, creating a tiny outdoor university.
One day, a tricycle appeared in the tundra, bringing a unicorn from the city.
The unicorn wore a tricolor hat and had a biography about the tundra.
Bianca, in her uniform, looked at the tricycle and thought of a plan.
She asked her friends to unify and help set up a university in the tundra.
Together, they built a university using a tripod, mats, and a big blanket.
Everyone in unison, wearing their uniform, attended the first class of the Tundra University.
The unity was strong, and the university was a success.
Bianca, now a university graduate, still teaches under the universe's vast dome in her uniform.