The Castle Mystery

Here, in the midst of the forest's bustle, lives a monkey named Colin.

Every morning, Colin would echo the birds' chirp, causing a delightful gnat to dance.

Colin loved to listen to the rustle of the leaves and the glisten of dewdrops.

He would often gnarl at the sight of a ghoul-like shadow, which was just a harmless gnome.

Colin loved to play in the thistle, wrestling with his own shadow in the afternoon sun.

One day, Colin found a chute leading to a hidden castle, and he felt a ghastly chill.

Despite his fear, Colin decided to fasten his resolve and explore the castle.

Inside, the castle was moisten with dew and filled with chic furniture.

Colin found an anchor, a chef's hat, and a scholar's old book on chemistry.

On his way out, he met a ghost who was a warm host and blew a whistle to say goodbye.

Colin left the castle, hastening back to his forest home, with a new story to share.

Colin now knew that the forest bustle was just as exciting as a castle's mystery.