Knox's Mountain Adventure: A Tale of Curiosity and Discovery

Knox, the lamb, climbed up the mountain.

He loved the feel of the cool stone under his hooves.

With a knack for finding high spots, he knelt down to rest.

A honeycomb caught Knox's eye.

He knew bees made honey, but he had never seen a honeycomb up close.

Slowly, he moved closer, trying not to disturb the bees.

Suddenly, a bee flew out and Knox wriggled back in surprise.

He knew it was wrong to disturb the bees.

Feeling a bit numb with fear, Knox decided to leave.

On his way down, he saw a castle on a knoll.

He knew he had to go and explore.

Before he knew it, he was standing at the castle's big wooden door, ready to knock.

Knox knocked on the door and waited.

"Who could live in this castle?" he thought, his curiosity piqued.

No one answered, so Knox turned around to go back home, his adventure ending for the day.

He knew he had a knack for adventure and couldn't wait for the next one.

Back home, he knelt down on his favorite spot and fell asleep, dreaming about the castle on the knoll.

The end of a day full of adventure and learning for Knox.