Roy's Great Adventure: A Groundhog's Exploration
Roy, the groundhog, lived in a house underground.
Always, he looked out his window to the world above.
One day, he found a map, and a sense of adventure grew within him.
Roy decided to scout the area around his home.
He saw a field of wildflowers, in full bloom, under the sunny sky.
Roy felt a slight thrill, he wanted to explore more.
He journeyed around town, always mindful of the map.
Roy found a playground, with kids laughing and shouting.
At last, he reached a towering lighthouse, standing tall by the coastline.
Roy climbed to the top and looked out, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
He could see his house, the playground, and the town, all from up here.
Content, Roy decided to head back home, ready for his next adventure.