Saul's Adventure: The Mystery of the Paw Print
Saul the dinosaur woke up at dawn.
He took a big yawn and started to crawl.
He saw a paw print in the mud and decided to follow.
Saul thought, 'I hope I can find who caused this!'
He walked to the edge of the swamp, and saw a prawn.
Saul said, 'Hi! Did you see who left this paw print?'
The prawn replied, 'I saw a big creature hauling something away.'
Saul thanked the prawn and continued on his way.
Saul followed the paw prints until he saw a hawk.
He asked the hawk, 'Did you see who made these prints?'
The hawk replied, 'I saw a creature with a big claw. It went that way.'
Saul thanked the hawk and kept following the paw prints.
After a long day, Saul finally caught up to the creature.
It was a grizzly bear who had a thorn in its paw.
Saul helped remove the thorn and the bear gave a sigh of relief.
The bear thanked Saul and they both watched the sunset together.