Stewart's Adventures: The Blue Jay and the Shiny Jewel
Stewart, the blue jay, flew from the maple tree to the frail bridge.
Stewart spotted a fruit on the ground and quickly flew down to get it.
Stewart chewed the fruit as he sat on the bridge.
Stewart saw a shiny jewel in the bushes and flew down to retrieve it.
Stewart picked up the jewel and flew back to his nest.
Stewart placed the shiny jewel in his nest, adding a new decoration.
Stewart flew to the backyard and saw a worm in the garden.
Stewart quickly swooped down and grabbed the worm.
Stewart flew back to his nest, with a full belly and a new jewel.
The next morning, Stewart flew to the bridge to find more fruit.
Stewart found a grapefruit and flew back to his nest to eat it.
Stewart was happy with his new life on the maple tree, near the frail bridge.