Marlow's Sea Adventure: A Goat's Voyage Home

Marlow, the goat, lived by the rocky cliffs.

Every day, he would roam around, enjoying the fresh air.

One day, Marlow found a strange object. It was a boat!

Marlow got in.

The boat started to float. Marlow was scared at first.

But he soon saw the beauty around him and started to enjoy the ride.

Marlow saw fish jumping, birds flying, and the sun shining bright.

He felt a sense of freedom he had never known before.

But as the day grew darker, Marlow began to miss his home.

He looked at the cliffs in the distance and decided to row back.

After a lot of effort, Marlow finally reached the shore.

He was so happy to be home, he let out a loud 'baaa'.

The next day, Marlow found the boat was gone.

But he didn't feel sad. He had his cliffs and the memories of his adventure.

From that day on, Marlow would often look at the sea, remembering his journey.

And every time he did, he would let out a happy 'baaa'.

Marlow knew he was a goat, not a sailor. But his one day at sea showed him a new world.

He was happy to be a goat.

And so, Marlow, the adventurous goat, lived out his days on the cliffs, always ready for the next adventure.

Because he knew that no matter where he roamed, he would always find his way back home.