May's Lost Bead: A Tale of Friendship

May, the peacock, lives in a lush, green forest.

She loves to eat the peas that grow near the creek.

Every day, May gets up with the sunrise and begins her day.

She walks towards the creek to find peas for breakfast.

One day, May sees a shiny bead near the creek.

She picks it up with her beak and feels happy.

May decides to keep the bead as a treasure.

She tucks it in her nest for safekeeping.

May meets a monkey in the forest.

The monkey is friendly and they both share a meal of peas.

One day, May can't find her bead in the nest.

She feels sad and starts to weep.

The friendly monkey sees May's plight and decides to help.

He helps May in her search for the lost bead.

They search high and low, near the creek and in the bushes.

Finally, they find the bead near a tree.

May is thrilled to see her bead again.

She thanks the monkey for his help and they celebrate with a feast of peas.

From that day, May and the monkey become best friends.

May learns that true friends are more valuable than any bead.