Dexter's River Adventure: A Tale of Friendship and Treasure
Dexter, the otter, lives by the river.
Dexter loves to swim in the river, especially in the summer.
One day, Dexter found a paper floating in the water.
He picked it up and saw it was a map.
Dexter decided to follow the map, even if it was a bit of a gamble.
He swam under a bridge and over some rocks.
Dexter arrived at a small island covered with ferns.
He found a large chest, but it was locked.
Then Dexter remembered the map had a code written on the corner.
It was the number to open the chest.
The chest opened with a creak, revealing a shiny gold coin.
Dexter felt like the richest otter ever.
Dexter swam back to his home, his heart full of joy.
He decided to keep the coin as a reminder of his adventure.
The next day, Dexter saw another piece of paper floating in the water.
He wondered if it was another map leading to another adventure.
Dexter picked up the paper and saw that it was a letter from a friend.
He realized that the greatest treasure was not gold, but friendship.
Dexter spent the rest of the summer swimming in the river, always ready for the next adventure.
His heart was full of joy and he was never alone.