Tyrell's Swamp Adventure: A Lesson in Strategy
1 year ago - UFLI | Lesson 73 (y /ī/) - 75% decodable
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Tyrell, the python, lived by a swamp.

In the swamp, Tyrell would often spy his prey.

When Tyrell felt hungry, he would try to catch a meal.

One day, Tyrell saw a big, juicy rat and his mouth started to water.

But the rat was not alone, it had a sly look on its face.

Tyrell had to be careful, the rat could be a prankster.

Tyrell decided to apply a new strategy to catch the rat.

He slithered quietly, not making a sound, so as not to scare the rat.

But just as he was about to snatch the rat, it jumped and Tyrell missed.

Tyrell learned a valuable lesson that day, not every prey is easy to catch.