Trish's Perfect Match: An Ostrich's Unexpected Friendship
Once upon a time, on a ranch, lived an ostrich named Trish.
Trish loved to play catch with the comet shaped ball.
One day, Trish found a strange egg and waited for it to hatch.
Finally, it hatched and out came a tiny creature with a latch.
Could it be a match for Trish, she thought, as she fetched her glasses.
The creature had a patch of bright color, just like Trish's feathers.
Trish decided to ditch her doubts and took the creature under her wing.
They became friends in a notch of time, always seen together.
Everyone on the ranch would watch them, they were the perfect match.
And so, Trish and her new friend lived happily on the ranch, always ready for a new match.