Story length
story illustration
Staff pick
Blake the Brave
82% decodability
· 132 words
VCe | VCe Review 2 (all)
story illustration
Staff pick
Louise and the Sunken Ship
84% decodability
· 313 words
Low Frequency Spelling | -ar, -or /er/
story illustration
Staff pick
Building the Biggest Dam
74% decodability
· 361 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | Affixes Review 1
story illustration
Staff pick
Up the Hill
84% decodability
· 82 words
Digraphs | Digraphs Review 1
story illustration
Staff pick
The Fudge Fridge
84% decodability
· 84 words
Ending Spelling Patterns | tch /ch/, dge /j/ Review
story illustration
Staff pick
The Happiest Day at the Beach
88% decodability
· 242 words
Suffix Spelling Changes | -y to i Rule
story illustration
Staff pick
The Race
86% decodability
· 324 words
Suffix Spelling Changes | Doubling Rule -er, -est
story illustration
Staff pick
The Dragon and the Lost Puppy
78% decodability
· 165 words
Ending Spelling Patterns | Ending Patterns Review
story illustration
Staff pick
Jackpot in the Jacket
83% decodability
· 96 words
Reading Longer Words | Closed/Closed
story illustration
Staff pick
Lily the Otter
81% decodability
· 329 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | dis-
story illustration
Staff pick
Sean's Lost Necklace
80% decodability
· 368 words
Low Frequency Spelling | air, are, ear /air/
story illustration
Staff pick
Ahmed's Big Trip
76% decodability
· 322 words
Reading Longer Words | -es
story illustration
Staff pick
Pat and Nat Sip Sap
78% decodability
· 18 words
Alphabet | CVC Practice (a, i)
story illustration
Staff pick
Ticket to the Zoo
85% decodability
· 146 words
Reading Longer Words | Closed/Closed
story illustration
Staff pick
The Lost Collar
81% decodability
· 303 words
Low Frequency Spelling | -ar, -or /er/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Toad in the Donut Shop
88% decodability
· 346 words
Suffix Spelling Changes | Doubling Rule -ed, -ing
story illustration
Staff pick
Mike on Stage
86% decodability
· 139 words
VCe | VCe Review 3, VCe Exceptions
story illustration
Staff pick
Max and the Drum
89% decodability
· 81 words
Alphabet Review and Longer Words | Short U Review
story illustration
Staff pick
Bud the Cub
100% decodability
· 42 words
Alphabet | VC & CVC Practice (all)
story illustration
Staff pick
Sam and the Hen
89% decodability
· 42 words
Alphabet Review and Longer Words | Short E Review
story illustration
Staff pick
The Biggest Rollercoaster
86% decodability
· 388 words
Suffix Spelling Changes | Doubling Rule -ed, -ing
story illustration
Staff pick
The Winter Letter
85% decodability
· 159 words
R-controlled Vowels | er /er/
story illustration
Staff pick
A Picnic in the Forest
81% decodability
· 397 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | pre-, re-
story illustration
Staff pick
The Book
80% decodability
· 308 words
Other Vowel Teams | oo, u /oo/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Stash of Carrots
84% decodability
· 348 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | dis-
story illustration
Staff pick
The Birthday Cake
84% decodability
· 329 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | pre-, re-
story illustration
Staff pick
The Lost Duckling
80% decodability
· 153 words
Reading Longer Words | -ing
story illustration
Staff pick
Dave and the Mole
82% decodability
· 92 words
VCe | o_e /ō/
story illustration
Staff pick
Fluffy and the Whirlpool Rescue
89% decodability
· 366 words
Low Frequency Spelling | Signal Vowels (c /s/, g /j/)
story illustration
Staff pick
Chad's Kick
82% decodability
· 104 words
Digraphs | ck /k/