Story length
story illustration
Staff pick
The Untidy Den
91% decodability
· 477 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | un-
story illustration
Staff pick
The New Tree Home
84% decodability
· 115 words
Other Vowel Teams | Vowel Teams Review 2
story illustration
Staff pick
Snail on the Trail
82% decodability
· 139 words
Long Vowel Teams | Vowel Teams Review 1
story illustration
Staff pick
The Sound in the Barnyard
86% decodability
· 190 words
Dipthongs | ou, ow /ow/
story illustration
Staff pick
Amari's Selfless Act of Kindness
87% decodability
· 357 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | -less, -ful
story illustration
Staff pick
The Paw Prints
81% decodability
· 179 words
Other Vowel Teams | au, aw, augh /ɔ/
story illustration
Staff pick
Roonie the Rooster's Big Job
82% decodability
· 259 words
Other Vowel Teams | oo /ū/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Fastest Cheetah
90% decodability
· 386 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | -er/-est
story illustration
Staff pick
The Climb to the Highest Peak
87% decodability
· 577 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | -er/-est
story illustration
Staff pick
Ricky Finds a Busted Pipe
91% decodability
· 438 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | -ly
story illustration
Staff pick
The Ice Block
94% decodability
· 470 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | -ly
story illustration
Staff pick
Pause for Gold
86% decodability
· 160 words
Other Vowel Teams | au, aw, augh /ɔ/
story illustration
Staff pick
Fun in the Woods
81% decodability
· 379 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | -s/-es
story illustration
Staff pick
Good Times with Max
78% decodability
· 283 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | -s/-es
story illustration
Staff pick
Moira's Roam
87% decodability
· 169 words
Dipthongs | Vowel Teams & Diphthongs Review
story illustration
Staff pick
Wriggly, Stuck in a Knot
95% decodability
· 176 words
Silent Letters | kn /n/, wr /r/, mb /m/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Lost Mouse
87% decodability
· 164 words
Dipthongs | ou, ow /ow/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Stash of Carrots
84% decodability
· 348 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | dis-
story illustration
Staff pick
Fixing the Dam
88% decodability
· 317 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | un-
story illustration
Staff pick
Leroy and the Lucky Coin
87% decodability
· 188 words
Dipthongs | oi, oy /oi/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Honeycomb
77% decodability
· 271 words
Silent Letters | kn /n/, wr /r/, mb /m/
story illustration
Staff pick
Maya's Wonderful Day
79% decodability
· 267 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | -less, -ful
story illustration
Staff pick
The Lucky Coin
80% decodability
· 217 words
Dipthongs | Vowel Teams & Diphthongs Review
story illustration
Staff pick
The Birthday Cake
84% decodability
· 329 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | pre-, re-
story illustration
Staff pick
The Muddy Swamp
89% decodability
· 132 words
Other Vowel Teams | ea /ĕ/, a /ŏ/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Ball in the Swamp
83% decodability
· 99 words
Other Vowel Teams | ea /ĕ/, a /ŏ/
story illustration
Staff pick
A Picnic in the Forest
81% decodability
· 397 words
Suffixes and Prefixes | pre-, re-
story illustration
Staff pick
Cooper in the Marsh
85% decodability
· 213 words
Other Vowel Teams | oo /ū/
story illustration
Staff pick
A Bright New Day
78% decodability
· 114 words
Other Vowel Teams | Vowel Teams Review 2
story illustration
Staff pick
A Woodpecker's Day
82% decodability
· 322 words
Other Vowel Teams | oo, u /oo/