Story length
story illustration
Staff pick
The Forest Cure
90% decodability
· 137 words
UFLI: or /or/, ore /or/
story illustration
Staff pick
Jeff's Stuck Truck
84% decodability
· 138 words
UFLI: nk /ŋk/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Flute's Tune
91% decodability
· 90 words
UFLI: u_e /ū/, /yū/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Sky Grapefruit
94% decodability
· 205 words
UFLI: ew /ū/, ui /ū/, ue /ū/
story illustration
Staff pick
Lunch in the Hut
84% decodability
· 111 words
UFLI: VCe Review 1; e_e /ē/
story illustration
Staff pick
Midge at the Lodge
89% decodability
· 117 words
UFLI: dge /j/
story illustration
Staff pick
Tyrell and Shiny Red Car
82% decodability
· 217 words
UFLI: R-Controlled Vowels Review
story illustration
Staff pick
The Apple Juggle
86% decodability
· 91 words
UFLI: -le
story illustration
Staff pick
Em's Gem
89% decodability
· 82 words
UFLI: nk /ŋk/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Hard-Working Hedgehog
93% decodability
· 134 words
UFLI: Spelling /er/: er, ir, ur, w + or
story illustration
Staff pick
The Flight
89% decodability
· 207 words
UFLI: ie /ī/, igh /ī/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Patched Ball
88% decodability
· 133 words
UFLI: tch /ch/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Sky Map
91% decodability
· 267 words
UFLI: y /ī/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Pond Star
94% decodability
· 101 words
UFLI: ar /ar/
story illustration
Staff pick
Victor's World
86% decodability
· 114 words
UFLI: Spelling /er/: er, ir, ur, w + or
story illustration
Staff pick
Bridget's Fudge
78% decodability
· 74 words
UFLI: dge /j/
story illustration
Staff pick
Eve on the Ice
91% decodability
· 128 words
UFLI: _ce /s/
story illustration
Staff pick
Beth's Grapes
86% decodability
· 132 words
UFLI: -ed
story illustration
Staff pick
The Big Storm
86% decodability
· 133 words
UFLI: ar, or, ore Review
story illustration
Staff pick
The Quest of Rose and Shine
86% decodability
· 183 words
UFLI: VCe Review 2
story illustration
Staff pick
Bolt's Heart of Gold
82% decodability
· 145 words
UFLI: Long VCC: -ild, -old, -ind, -olt, -ost
story illustration
Staff pick
The Stuck Turtle
92% decodability
· 116 words
UFLI: ir /er/, ur /er/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Note in the Nest
89% decodability
· 118 words
UFLI: o_e /ō/
story illustration
Staff pick
Stuck in a Cage
91% decodability
· 148 words
UFLI: _ge /j/
story illustration
Staff pick
Going Fishing
80% decodability
· 233 words
UFLI: -ing
story illustration
Staff pick
Holt the Colt
89% decodability
· 121 words
UFLI: Long VCC: -ild, -old, -ind, -olt, -ost
story illustration
Staff pick
Nora's Day
90% decodability
· 295 words
UFLI: oa /ō/, ow /ō/, oe /ō/
story illustration
Staff pick
The Glasses
81% decodability
· 137 words
UFLI: -es
story illustration
Staff pick
Lime Spice Cake
88% decodability
· 179 words
UFLI: _ce /s/
story illustration
Staff pick
Hugo's Secret Item
90% decodability
· 165 words
UFLI: Open and Closed